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In its latest policy statement on Wednesday, the FederalReserve gave no hint that a reduction in the pace of itsbond-buying program was imminent, as the economy continues torecover but is still in need of support.

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Pettitte testified in Clemens’ perjury trial last year, after the Rocket was indicted on perjury and obstruction of Congress charges. Clemens was acquitted on all counts. Pettitte may be deposed as soon as next week in connection with the defamation suit Brian McNamee — Pettitte’s and Clemens’ former trainer — filed against Clemens. 

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But not everyone is happy. Some are angry at the way the landscape, celebrated by German Romantic poets such as Hölderlin and Mörike, is being butchered. The opponents protest with images of the Grim Reaper holding a wind turbine rather than his traditional scythe.

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The new U.S. presence in the Pacific is going to move an ever shrinking Navy from it's traditional "blue water" role in open ocean, he says, and into close-shore operations to address issues, like piracy and maritime crime. This requires each ship to have the technology to transmit information to the rest of the fleet, and to have the ability to protect itself.

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